Earth and Environmental Sciences
Studies of the environment and its effect on organisms/systems, including investigations of biological processes such as growth and life span, as well as studies of Earth systems and their evolution.
Atmospheric Science (AIR): Studies of the earth’s atmosphere, including air quality and pollution and the processes and effects of the atmosphere on other Earth systems as well as meteorological investigations.
Climate Science (CLI): Studies of Earth’s climate, particularly evidential study of climate change.
Environmental Effects on Ecosystems (ECS): Studies of the impact of environmental changes (natural or as a result of human interaction) on ecosystems, including empirical pollution studies.
Geosciences (GES): Studies of Earth’s land processes, including mineralogy, plate tectonics, volcanism, and sedimentology.
Water Science (WAT): Studies of Earth’s water systems, including water resources, movement, distribution, and water quality.
Other (OTH): Studies that cannot be assigned to one of the above subcategories.