CHS English Department


English Calendar

  • CHS Gymnasium

    CHS Freshman Parent Night

    This will be a chance for us to share information about CHS, the opportunities available to our students, and answer common questions that come up about your child's transition to high school.

    Carmel High School
  • CHS Freshman & New Student Orientation

    Freshman & New Student Orientation is a great opportunity for our students to meet with and ask questions of their student mentors, walk the building to find their classrooms and lockers, attend our CHS Club & Activities Fair, and pick up their school laptop computer. Our Freshman and New Students will be met by their mentors as they arrive at Carmel High and brought to the Gymnasium to break into groups, begin their day with introductions and start our activities.

    Carmel High School
  • First Day of School

    Carmel High School
View Monthly Calendar

9th Grade

11th Grade

12th Grade