Carmel High School World Language Department
The Carmel High School World Language Department seeks to provide a supportive, equitable, and inclusive environment that empowers learners, as their authentic selves, on their multicultural journey to acquire world language proficiency and prepare for a productive role in our global community.
CHS World Language Honor Societies 2024-25
Please download and print all of the attached documents in order to apply to our World Language Honor Societies. Follow directions carefully.
Application and teacher recommendation(s) due: January 17, 2025
- Requirements: WL NHS Requirements 2024-25.pdf
- Application: Application: WL Honor Society 2024-25 DUE Jan 17, 2025
- Teacher Recommendation Form: Copy and paste the link below and send to 1-2 of your current or former World Language teacher(s) to complete for the teacher recommendation portion (Due 1/17/25):
- Community Service Log: Community Service Log.pdf DUE Feb 1, 2025 (for new applicants) - (Hard copies of this form can also be found on the bulletin board outside 408).
NYS Seal of Biliteracy Veteran Status
Seal of Biliteracy 2024-25
New York State Seal of Biliteracy
Congratulations to our 2024 Seal of Biliteracy recipients!
Betzaida Cajas Guerra - Daniele Delgado - Sabrina Downey -
Billy Jimenez - Jessica Lhotan - Claire Missoum - Saanvi Prasad -
Gianna Roca Murillo - Ignacio Rojas-Hernandez -
Laila Rosenquest - Jada Spence - Olivia Trupia -Riley Ward -
Teagan Weindel - Sam Wong - Cristel Zhanay
Overview: The Seal of Biliteracy is a prestigious award offered to seniors enrolled in an advanced level World Language class (level 5). The Seal project is designed to show students' proficiency in English and a second language offered at Carmel High School. Students work exclusively in the target language from beginning to end. It starts with an oral proficiency Interview and ends with a presentation of four in-depth, multi-genre projects to a panel of evaluators, including teachers, administrators, and community members. Students who achieve an intermediate-high level of proficiency in the language are awarded a Seal on their diploma and a special stole at graduation.
World Readiness Standards
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines
Modes of Communication
World Language National Honor Societies
World Language National Honor Society Inductions
French Club
For more information, follow us on Twitter:
Advisor: Mme Thomas
Open to all high school students interested in the French language and culture. Activities include Homecoming, Kids Day and trips to enjoy French cuisine, culture and music. There are numerous opportunities to participate in community events that will provide our students with community service hours. Meetings are generally once a week and are filled with fun activities and guest speakers. Several fundraising events are held throughout the year to help fund club trips. There are also opportunities to participate in the trip Quebec and France.
Italian-American Club
For more information, follow us on Twitter: @ItalianclubCHS
Advisor: Sra Talreja
Open to all students. Activities include the Faculty Tea, Homecoming, Kids' Day, the Talent Show, our Annual BOCCE tournament, a Valentine's Day Party for residents of the Putnam Nursing Home, plays, restaurants and cultural events. The club meets every other Thursday.
Spanish Club
For more information, follow us on Twitter: @SpanishClubCHS1
Advisor: Sra McCormack
Open to all high school students interested in the Spanish language and culture and those students of Hispanic descent. One of the club's goals is to celebrate diversity in our school by acknowledging not only the Spanish heritage but different cultures through the world. Activities includes Homecoming, Kids Day, International Dinner and trips to enjoy Latin food, culture and music. Meetings are generally held once a week and are filled with fun activities and guest speakers. The club also meets with the Italian-American Club and French Club to participate in activities in which students teach about the Hispanic culture or learn about other cultures.