Carmel High School World Language Department

The Carmel High School World Language Department seeks to provide a supportive, equitable, and inclusive environment that empowers learners, as their authentic selves, on their multicultural journey to acquire world language proficiency and prepare for a productive role in our global community.

Celebrating our new "Veteran" status given by the state!

 Seal of Biliteracy 5-year badge 

Seal of Biliteracy 2023-24

 Seal of Biliteracy 

New York State Seal of Biliteracy

Congratulations to our 2023 Seal of Biliteracy recipients!

Betzaida Cajas Guerra - Daniele Delgado - Sabrina Downey -
Billy Jimenez - Jessica Lhotan - Claire Missoum - Saanvi Prasad - 
Gianna Roca Murillo - Ignacio Rojas-Hernandez -
Laila Rosenquest - Jada Spence - Olivia Trupia -Riley Ward -
Teagan Weindel - Sam Wong - Cristel Zhanay 

Overview: The Seal of Biliteracy is a prestigious award offered to seniors enrolled in an advanced level World Language class (level 5). The Seal project is designed to show students' proficiency in English and a second language offered at Carmel High School. Students work exclusively in the target language from beginning to end.  It starts with an oral proficiency Interview and ends with a presentation of four in-depth, multi-genre projects to a panel of evaluators, including teachers, administrators, and community members. Students who achieve an intermediate-high level of proficiency in the language are awarded a Seal on their diploma and a special stole at graduation.  


CHS World Language Honor Societies 2023-24

Please download and print all of the attached documents in order to apply to our World Language Honor Societies.

Application and teacher recommendation(s) due: January 15, 2023

World Readiness Standards

 Standards for language learning 

ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines

 World language proficiency guidelines 

Modes of Communication

 3 modes of communication