Energy: Physical
Studies of renewable energy structures/processes including energy production and efficiency.
Hydro Power (HYD): The application of engineering principles and design concepts to capture energy from falling and running water to be converted to another form of energy.
Nuclear Power (NUC): The application of engineering principles and design concepts to capture nuclear energy to be converted to another form of energy.
Solar (SOL): The application of engineering principles and design concepts to capture energy from the sun to be converted to another form of energy.
Sustainable Design (SUS): The application of engineering principles and design concepts to plan and/or construct buildings and infrastructure that minimize environmental impact.
Thermal Power (THR): The application of engineering principles and design concepts to capture energy from the Earth’s crust to be converted to another form of energy.
Wind (WIN): The application of engineering principles and design concepts to capture energy from the wind to be converted to another form of energy.
Other (OTH): Studies that cannot be assigned to one of the above subcategories.