Junior Prom Headquarters
Dear CHS Parents/Guardians:
We are looking forward to hosting a fun and safe Junior Prom for our students on Friday, April 4, 2025. Please see the following informational items to help make our 2025 Junior Prom a continued success.
- Mandatory Pre-Prom Parent Meeting: There will be a Mandatory Junior Prom Parent Meeting on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 7:00 PM via Zoom. Parent attendance at this meeting is mandatory in order for students to be able to purchase tickets to the Junior Prom.
- Prom Date & Location: The Carmel High School Junior Prom is on Friday, April 4, 2025, from 6:00 PM to 10:30 PM at the Amber Room in Danbury, CT.
- Tickets: The cost of an individual ticket for the Junior Prom is $105 per ticket
- Ticket Sales: Tickets will be on sale from Tuesday, February 11th (immediately after the parent meeting) through Friday, February 28th. Tickets will be sold entirely online through the My School Bucks site offered by the district. Prior to purchasing tickets, students will be required to register, provide information about their guest if necessary, and sign the prom contract (code of conduct agreement).
- Attendance – Day of Prom: Student attendance is mandatory for periods 1-3 on Friday, April 4th. Students who provide a note to leave after Period 3 will be marked absent with parent permission. Students may bring in parent permission slips to any Assistant Principals’ Secretary, Mrs. Vinciguerra, (located in room 102A – near the library entrance) or Mrs. Muscenti (located across from the cafeteria) beginning on Tuesday, April 1st.
- Early Dismissal – Day of Prom: To leave early (after Period 3) students must submit a signed note from a parent/guardian to Mrs. Muscenti or Mrs. Vinciguerra. The student will receive an Early Dismissal Prom Pass that they will need in order to exit the building on Friday, April 4th. Early Dismissal Prom Passes are available beginning Tuesday April 1st through Thursday April 3rd. Students without this pass may not leave unless a parent comes in to sign them out. Dismissal will only be through the Circle or Library entrance. Further information is available in front of Room 104 (Mrs. Terwilliger's Room).
- Student IDs – All students attending the Junior Prom must have their Student ID with them for entry.
- Code of Conduct – The Junior Prom is a school-sponsored event. As such, all students and guests are expected to abide to the Carmel Central School District Code of Conduct.
- Prom Arrival & Dismissal: Students may not enter the Junior Prom after 7:00 PM. Any student and/or guest arriving after 7:00 PM will not be allowed to enter. The earliest time that a student and/or guest may leave the Prom is 9:00 PM. Any student or guest requesting to leave before 9:00 PM will need parent permission to do so. There is strictly no re-entry to the Junior Prom venue for any reason. Once, a student leaves the Junior Prom, they will not be allowed to re-enter.
- Questions: Questions or concerns regarding the Junior Prom can be directed to the Junior Class Advisor, Mrs. Terwilliger – gterwill@carmelschools.org Opens in a new browser tab
Thank you for taking the time to review these expectations with your child.
We wish all of our CHS Juniors an enjoyable and memorable Prom. We know that you will have a great time!
Date: Friday, April 4, 2025
School Day: Students must attend school period 1 through 3. Turn in the Early Dismissal Prom Pass to leave school.
Student ID: Don't forget to bring your ID to Prom
Hours at Amber Room: 6:00 pm - 10:30 pm
Junior Prom Parent Meeting Presentation -02 11 25.pdf Opens in a new browser tab
Pre-Prom Safety Presentation Opens in a new browser tab
Parent/Guardian Pre-Prom Meeting Sign Off - https://forms.office.com/r/1rxpRYyx8z Opens in a new browser tab
The forms below are also available in front of room 104.
Opens in a new browser tab Junior Prom Table Sheet 2025 Opens in a new browser tab
Junior Prom Guest Form 2025 Opens in a new browser tab This form is only required if the student is bringing a guest from another district